Virtual Sim Story
Managed releases and updates for Android and iOS.
Coordinated and scheduled development resources, coordinated with artists.
Developed networking solutions for supporting large numbers of players in an open world using Photon Unity Networking.
Developed a suite of tools that allowed artists to take art assets and turn them into user purchasable content without any extra assistance.
Developed tools and systems, both in game and for developer use, that allowed us to manage a game with over 2000 purchasable items.
Developed a content loading framework using Unity's Addressable Assets system to load content as needed.
Developed an extensive character customisation system which supported multiple character meshes and over 800 clothing items.
Integrated the game client with our PlayFab backend and added extended functionality through Cloudscript.
Role: Unity Developer and Project Coordinator
Developer: Foxie Games
Platforms: Android, iOS
Released: May 21 2020
Developing a framework for, and game play of, most of the multiplayer mini games. These mini games utilised Photon Unity Networking (PUN).
Integrating the client with our back end services, particularly the news feed, leader boards, and the events calendar.
Integrating with Scholastic's back end services to deliver book information, covers as well as pdf and audio excerpts to the client.
Developing the Dactyl Hill Squad Runner mini game (also available stand alone).
Developing a generic audio system, and editor tools to make it easier to use.
Doing additional work on the news feed back end service.
Role: Unity Game Developer
Developer: Blowfish Studios
Platforms: Android, iOS, WebGL
Released: February 14 2019
Home Base
Worked as one of the primary developers on Awake VR. Taking it from a short demo sequence to a full 20 minute narrative.
Developed the primary interaction and teleportation mechanics.
Developed a level loading framework designed to minimise and conceal level load times.
Worked alongside the creative director and lead artist to help realise their vision for Awake VR, which included the creation of many bespoke interaction mechanics and scripted seqeunces.
Mentored and train another developer in the use of Unreal Engine 4.
Role: Unreal Engine Developer
Developer: Start VR (now Start Beyond)
Platforms: Android, iOS, WebGL
Released: December 6 2018
Awake: Episode One
Helped develop the mobile app counter part of the web site using Xamarin and Xamarin Forms.
Implemented UI wire frames as specified by a UI/UX designer.
Integrated third party SDKs such as Facebook and Google login.
Implemented advanced platform specific features such as biometric authentication and file picking.
Created a flexible, re-usable tutorial system that is used throughout the app.
Role: Front End Developer
Developer: Blowfish Studios
Platforms: Android, iOS
Released: February 2019
Helped to develop, and fix bugs for, the iOS version of the Wentworth VR app.
Submitting the app to the app store and deploying it through test flight for QA testing.
Integrated additional Gear VR features such as controller support.
Role: VR Developer
Developer: Start VR (now Start Beyond)
Platforms: Android, iOS, Oculus
Released: December 18 2017